Mayank Chetan
Mayank Chetan
D. Todd Griffith
A design-driven wind blade manufacturing model to identify opportunities to reduce wind blade costs
Design space exploration and decision-making for a segmented ultralight morphing 50-MW wind turbine
Flutter behavior of highly flexible blades for two- and three-bladed wind turbines
Development of high‐fidelity design‐driven wind blade manufacturing process models to investigate labor predictions in wind blade manufacture
Effect of wind turbine size on load reduction with active flow control
Field tests of a highly flexible downwind ultralight rotor to mimic a 13-MW turbine rotor
Design of a 3.4-MW wind turbine with integrated plasma actuator-based load control
A Methodology for Robust Load Reduction in Wind Turbine Blades Using Flow Control Devices
Multi-fidelity digital twin structural model for a sub-scale downwind wind turbine rotor blade
Control co-design of 13 MW downwind two-bladed rotors to achieve 25% reduction in levelized cost of wind energy
Quantification of Extreme-Scale Wind Turbine Performance Parameters due to Variations in Beam Properties
Gravo-aeroelastic scaling of a 13-MW downwind rotor for 20% scale blades
A gravo-aeroelastically scaled wind turbine rotor at field-prototype scale with strict structural requirements
Aero-Structural Design For a 3.4 MW Wind Turbine Using Plasma Actuator Based Load Control
System-level design studies for large rotors
Design and Testing of a Scaled Demonstrator Turbine at the National Wind Technology Center
Flutter Predictions in the Design of Extreme-Scale Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotor Blades
Structural Design of a 1/5th Scale Gravo-Aeroelastically Scaled Wind Turbine Demonstrator Blade for Field Testing
Assessment of flutter prediction and trends in the design of large-scale wind turbine rotor blades
Design of a series of Wind Turbine rotors with Integrated Plasma Actuator-based Load Control